Avicii – My Feelings [audio:http://martinisounds.com/audio/myfeelings.mp3] Wolfgang Gartner – Space Junk (Overwerk Remix) [audio:http://martinisounds.com//wp-content/uploads/2011/01/Space_Junk_OVERWERK_Remixwww.livingelectro.com_.mp3] InGrid – Vive Le Swing (Buzztech Remix) [audio:http://martinisounds.com//wp-content/uploads/2011/02/In-Grid-Vive-Le-Swing-BuzZTech-Remix.mp3] PNAU – Baby (Beatbox Remix) *sounds pretty soulful in my opinion [audio:http://martinisounds.com//wp-content/uploads/2011/02/Pnau_-_Baby_Breakbot_Remix.mp3]
New format
The newly revised site now is sort of up! Hopefully this will run a cleaner fresher easier to follow look. Hopefully podcasting will be up in the near future.